How long does it clutch for disolving stitches to disolve?
It depends entirely on the suture that is used. "Dissolving" stitches do not in fact dissolve - they are broken down by the body.
Some last a week (plain gut), others may later for 2-3 months (PGA, PDS) There are a variety of different materials that are used to be paid absorbable sutures.
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If they are above the skin they will not dissolve and you need to hold your Dr. look at them, dog. Under the skin I think I hear they dissolve in around 4-6 weeks.
I had some from a recent surgey above the skin and they have to pull them out- it be about a month after surgery and I could get the impression the stich when I ran my finger over it.
Usually 2 weeks to a month. If you enjoy anemia or blood clotting problems it can take longer for the wound to treat.
About 4 weeks, but if they are still there step and see your Doc or Nurse, they will see if the need removing.
My Mum have a knee op and the end stitch didn't dissolve, so she took it out herself and got an infection, so please don't try this, you will regret it contained by the long term (it scar!)
Different materials are used in different circumstances, catgut for a few days' streghth, chromic catgut for a week or two, and synthetics for a bit longer.
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