I had cauterization perform on a wound. The dried up silver nitrate was not here on the skin. How long am I suppose to leave it on? Am I suppose to dust it off when I shower?How long is silver nitrate suppose to stay on the wound after cauterization?
I don't know where on earth your wound is but if SilNit was applied because the nouns is sensitive to infection or inflammation, leave it on so long as the wound/skin is still unprepared or broken. If not, its water soluble so you can decision it off given your PCF states so.SilNit is usually associated wiith infection. However, if it is associated beside, and I don't mean to bring this up, gonorrhea evacuate it on and check with your PCF to bring specific info from them as needed. But it should be ok to wash past its sell-by date so long as the wound is looking presentable with no discomfort. If the color have darkened a lot, after full exposure to the SilNit has come and gone. Hope it help, good luck. Corrections Welcomed.
depart from it alone. It will go away on its own.
What you are seeing is where on earth the silver nitrate sticks have "burned" the tissue and cause discoloration. The discoloration is usually grey like the sticks, so it can be effortlessly mistaken for medication. Follow your doctors recommendations for post operative wound precision (how long to wait beforehand bathing, etc) and don't try to wash sour the discoloration. It will go away as the tissue heal.
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