
how lots milligrams of xanax is undamaging to pilfer contained by soon?

how lots milligrams of xanax is undamaging to pilfer contained by soon?
They only come within .25mg which is white, 50 mg which are pink, 1.0 mg which are blue and 2.0 mg which are white and bar shaped. You really shouldn't travel above 6.0 mg a day, it adjectives depends on your body's weight, tolerance, drug dependency, history of addiction, other drugs you lift, alcohol use, etc. You shouldn't combine them with alcohol or methadone because they can stop breathing. If you hold a prescription take them as prescribed, except then you are unambiguously taking them leiuserly...so do not mix them with anything and do not whip more than 2.0 mg every 8 hours! They will knock you out or if you stya up on them they will cause you to enjoy blackouts as to what you did while taking them. Be careful!
Talk to your doctor, he would own prescribed it for you. If you plan on using it illegally, I woudn't. It can own serious consequences.
i take 1.0 every 8 hours
Zero. Mind-altering chemicals are other dangerous. Ask your doctor give or take a few how much of this "danger" you should be willing to adopt, given your symptoms and condition.
Its not safe, because its going against nature.if you want something that calms you down essentially...drink chamomile tea, or use valerian root, or Stabilium.hope it helps!
It depends. My brother and dad are both bi polar and be subscribe it. It should say on your rx how much you are suppose to whip. My dad and brother both abused their rx and would take more than what they be suppose to. Their 1 month rx would last 3 days. I cogitate my dad being a bigger guy be subscribed 100 mg a day which be like 3 25 mg tab 4xday... and my brother was similar to 40mg a day which be like 4 10mg tab 4xday or something like that.
it depends how much you've be drinking and how well you can pedal your drugs,

